Science Congress Center Munich
Walther-von-Dyck-Straße 10
85748 Garching near Munich
Explore the location:
Barrier-free access
All areas of the Munich New Space Summit are barrier-free. In the Science Congress Center, all levels are accessible by elevator. Wheelchair users can be positioned at the very front of the event hall. There are disabled parking spaces available. If you want to book one, please contact us at summit@munich-aerospace.de.
Access to the state reception in the Residence is also barrier-free.
How to get there
On the federal highway 9, take exit 70 Garching-Nord and drive in the direction of “Forschungszentrum/TUM”. Turn left onto Freisinger Straße, turn right onto Lichtenbergstraße, then right onto Walther-von-Dyck-Straße.
From Franz-Josef-Strauß airport about 20 minutes by cab. Or with Public transportation:
- S1 to Neufahrn, then bus 690 to Garching Forschungszentrum
- S8 to Ismaning, then bus 230 to Garching Forschungszentrum
- Lufthansa bus to Nordfriedhof, then U6 to Garching-Forschungszentrum
Long-distance trains to Munich Central Station, then on foot or by underground or suburban train to Marienplatz, then take the U6 to Garching Research Center.
Hotel Courtyard
by Marriott Munich Garching
Walther-von-Dyck Str. 16
85748 Garching bei München
Web www.marriott.com
Phone +49 89-614250
Mail info@courtyard-garching.de

Stellaris Apartment Hotel
Walther-von-Dyck-Straße 16
85748 Garching bei München
Web www.stellaris-apartment.de
Phone +49 (0)89 614 250 60
Mail info@stellaris-apartment.de